Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hey Depleters, Listen Up!

From little things to big things, life can be depleting. Through years of observation (read: therapy), I've come to recognize who or what might be depleting my precious energy at any given time. Once the culprit has been identified, I can craft a strategy to replete myself! [Note to the grammar police: I have researched the word replete and found that it is rarely used as a verb and favors the status of adjective but since this is my blog, I choose to freely use replete as a verb! Mostly because it sounds good next to deplete.] Replete means to feel full, satiated, sated (check my source: http://ow.ly/UPnS )... so it's not a huge leap to say that when situations feel draining, I feel the opposite of replete, I feel not full, I feel depleted. Some might say why not use the word complete to describe a cure for feeling depleted. And I reply, to me completeness is akin to enlightenment. Something mere mortals can only strive to achieve. Feeling depleted could be compared to having seasonal allergies, which are recurring, have no cure but can be treated.

For example…
I interviewed for four months with a HUGE—to remain unnamed—media company. I really went for it. I met with eight different people, brought examples of past work, left leave behinds, sent handwritten thank you notes and believed that I had it in the bag when I was given a tour of the TWO employee cafeterias! I was one of five semi-finalists, then one of two finalists and then… silence for two weeks. Finally a call "we went with an internal candidate, you are great and you could not have done anything different but, blah blah blah".
Hey, HUGE—to remain unnamed—media company, YOU DEPLETE ME.

Is the concept more clear now? Second example, separate situation: I show up for a scheduled, and confirmed, interview only to be turned away because the interviewer had canceled my appointment but neglected to let me know.
Excuse me, yes you, interviewer lady… YOU DEPLETE ME.

I've developed some techniques to replete myself when situations call for it. Below are some examples of everyday depleting situations and techniques I employ to replete myself.
Replete Technique
Morning time (never been a morning person)
Starbucks Grande Americano
Work, work, work (and depleters encountered through work, work, work)
Indulge in guilty pleasures such as Gossip Girl, The Twilight Saga (don't judge me!), Project Runway
20 month-old daughter's energy
White wine, sleep

For larger depletions like the aforementioned job search debacles, customized repletion strategies are required. Most include a motivating song list, white wine, great food, exercise (though not lately), browsing Gilt Group (although can also be depleting if not careful), walking around NYC, playing with Layla (the 20 month-old who has a talent for being both a depleter and repleter)… you get the idea.
Lately I've been getting filled up by listening to Ryan Adams and the Cardinals Cardinology, particularly a song called Born Into a Light… there is a lyric within that says,
I wish you faith and hope, strength to cope. To be your own best friend. Have confidence and keep the faith.
Aaawwww, that is so nice! Be your own best friend, what a concept!

Other music on my replete song list includes Thom Yorke's Hearing Damage from the Twilight Saga New Moon soundtrack, it has a badass beat that makes me feel tough. We're in a judgment free zone here, right? When bubble-gumish type repletion is called for, I'm enjoying Miley Cyrus's Party in the USA… Seriously, I discovered its powers as it was showering me with its I-dare-you-not-to-dance beat over the speakers at my local H&M. I ran home to download my very own piece of sunshine!

So depleter's listen up! You might get to me sometimes but you will never own me!
Need a little treat today?? Join Miley as she Parties in The USA… 69+ million views on YouTube… if it's wrong to enjoy this, I don't want to be right. (I promise to learn how to embed the video very soon).


  1. OK I think you may have had too many Americanos. Back away from the Starbucks.

    Actually, very thought provoking and a good stick it to the man posting. But the job search/ corporate America will not stick it to me damn it. I choose my path.

    There you go.

  2. I confess to listening to "Party in the USA" on a loop and watching the video, oh, ten or twenty times (I have a five year old. We relate to one another). It repletes me everytime! A guilty pleasure, but I can truthfully say that the first time I heard it was on NPR.

  3. tots mols... replete the depletion... i go for some boston legal or law and order seasons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.... heehee.
